Friday, April 24, 2020

Catch 1 Get 2 Free

Michelle McNeal
Rebecca Carter

Kim Hyde II

Levy County Detectives received information that Michelle McNeal (12/18/87), a wanted person from Levy County, was hiding out at a home in Bronson. McNeal was wanted for two counts of credit card fraud and possession of a stolen credit card from a 2019 complaint and was proving to be difficult to catch. Detectives acted on this new information as soon as they received it.

Detectives arrived at a home located at 11252 NE 62 Place and located McNeal. McNeal was residing with two friends to whom Detectives also spoke. Rebecca Carter (1/27/94) was found to have an active violation of probation warrant for her arrest issued from Marion County. Unfortunately for her, she also had crystal meth and heroin in her purse when she was taken into custody. Those charges were added along with the outstanding warrant. 

Kim Lance Hyde II (5/14/74) was also interviewed by Detectives. Mr. Hyde did his best impersonation of Dr. Jekyll by providing detectives a false name. This did not work nor did his attempt to “hide” his meth work well either, so Detectives arrested him. Hyde was charged with possession of meth and drug paraphernalia.

Bonds have been assigned for Hyde ($12,500) and Carter ($51,000) while McNeal is being held with no bond.