Christopher Hahn
January 20, 2022
Operation Safe Haven named by and for the hard and diligent
work of the Levy County Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Unit netted nine arrests
for various sex offender registration violations. The operation encompassed
nearly two months of hard work in locating and verifying sex offender’s
addresses and ensuring all other State mandated registration requirements for
convicted sex offenders living in Levy County were within compliance.
Most notable was the arrest of Christopher Hahn (5/29/81).
Hahn was an absconded sex offender from Duval County. Hahn encountered law
enforcement in another jurisdiction and claimed to live at an address in Levy
County. He was recently released from prison and failed to appear for his
second registration appointment in Jacksonville.
Levy County Detectives discovered Hahn was living in a tent
on a vacant parcel of land near Bronson unbeknownst to law enforcement or the
public. He was not immediately found on the property and made no attempt to
register this location as his place of residence. Detectives learned he was an
over the road truck driver and since Hahn had absconded, he visited nearly 20
other states as a truck driver.
Detectives secured a warrant for Hahn’s arrest and requested
the assistance of the United States Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force to locate and
apprehend him. Hahn was located at a truck stop in West Virginia by Federal
Agents and was taken into custody.
Eight other arrests were made during this operation and are
as follow:
Jerome Clemons (5/6/77) of Trenton
Karen “Terry” Edwards (11/1/71) of Chiefland
Anthony Hutto (4/18/71) of Bronson
Fredrick Carpenter (8/29/66) of Chiefland
Michael Farley (6/7/55) of Morriston
Alexander Clary (4/27/58) of Williston
Steven Stacy (7/12/83) of Williston
Nicole Down (3/4/79) of Cedar Key
Sheriff McCallum is dedicated to ensuring the safety of
his community for all who live here or visit Levy County. Sheriff McCallum
said, “The hard and dedicated work these Detectives invested into this
operation is evident. Sex offenders who choose to live in Levy County will not
be allowed to simply disappear. Our Detectives will guarantee they are living
by the requirements the State has mandated and if they do not, we will arrest