In April of this year the Levy
County Sheriff’s Office began receiving information that an illegal unlicensed
night club had opened for operation off of NE 212 Court in Williston. Deputies
began gathering information from citizen complaints and other sources. In
August the LCSO joined forces with the Alcohol Beverage and Tobacco (ABT a
State LEO Agency )
and were able to confirm the majority of the information sources had supplied.
It was determined that the owners/operators Eugene Donald and his wife Chrissi
Donald were selling alcoholic beverages without a license and demanding a cover
charge to enter into the structurally altered double wide trailer located in a
usually quiet residential area. The FDLE, Alachua County Sheriff’s Office,
Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Williston Police Department and Gainesville
Police Department provided additional support to this investigation and were
able to confirm information that illegal narcotic were being sold on the
On November 15 at approximately 11:30
pm the LCSO and ABT executed a search warrant on the 212 Club located at 3711
NE 212 Court Williston, Fl. Both Mr. and Mrs. Donald were arrested on various
felony charges and booked into the Levy County Detention Facility. More charges
are expected be filed at a later date. ABT seized 27 bottles of alcoholic
beverages for evidence. Additionally, Antjuan Edwards was arrested for
Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon after Deputies encountered him
inside during the execution of the warrant.
The Levy County
Building and Zoning
Department posted that the building was unsafe for occupancy and could not be reoccupied
until the structural modifications needed to bring the building back into code
compliance have been met.
Sheriff McCallum wanted to
express his gratitude to all the agencies that assisted in this investigation and
how much he appreciated the patience and assistance of the citizens who endured
many sleepless nights. “We at the Sheriff’s Office hope that the citizens can
now enjoy some peace and quite in their neighborhood”, Sheriff McCallum said.
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