Monday, February 22, 2010

Andrews Wildlife Management Area Thieves caught

On 2/12/ 2010 Andrews Wildlife Management area reported the theft of two Chainsaws one from a locked shed and another from the bed of an employees truck. The thefts occurred on 2/10/2010 while the defendants were working in the area. The Defendants boss and other witnesses placed the two in the area of the theft and stated that they had chain saws in their possession matching the description of what was stolen. When witness’s confronted the defendants about the saws they were threatened with harm if they told of the defendant’s action. Officers investigating the case located the defendants at two different locations with each in possession of one of the stolen chainsaws. Post Miranda both defendants admitted to the thefts and were subsequently arrested and transported to the Levy County Jail. They each were booked in for Burglary of a Structure and Grand Theft.


Alexander Matthew Shiver
2551 SE 160th Ave
Moriston fl 32621
White male

Raymond s Shiver
1670 NE 5th St
Williston Fl 32696
White male 10/20/85