Friday, May 27, 2011

Fiery Crash



Date:               May 27, 2011

Time:               1:50 PM


On May 26, 2011 Corporal Brian Marra was responding to an emergency call in the Bronson area.  Upon entering the City of Bronson a vehicle traveling in the same direction changed lanes and the two vehicles collided.  The crash sent Corporal Marra's patrol car spinning out of control striking a concrete telephone pole. 


It is unknown why the patrol car burst into flames with Marra still in the vehicle.  Two citizens removed Marra from the fiery crash and the vehicle was completely destroyed.  Marra was transported to a local hospital and sustained a broken femur and tibia.  Marra is expected to have surgery today for the fracture.


Last year the Levy County Sheriff's Office purchased Rhino grill guards for every patrol car.  The investigation revealed that the bumper guards saved Marra's life.  The Rhino bumper guard absorbed a lot of the energy and impact eliminating the engine from being pushed through the firewall and into Marra's lap.  The bumper guards were installed on every Patrol car in the fleet.  The bumper guards cost less than $400 dollars and this was a small cost to save one of our own.  The driver of the second vehicle was not injured. No citations have been issued at this time.  





Major Evan Sullivan
Levy County Sheriff's Office
FBI-National Academy 183rd Session
Office: 352-486-5446
Cell:    352-577-4218