Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Second Cattle Rustler Captured in Mexico

Some redemption for the Suwannee River Fair Children


The United States Marshals Service International Investigations Branch has notified the Levy County Sheriff's Office they located and CAPTURED Ron Shepard recently in a small fishing village in Mexico. Shepard was extradited to the United States on 7-10-12 and is on-route to a Benton, Ill federal detention facility. Shepard will be presented to a Federal Judge regarding his pending violation of probation on a former federal charge. Levy County Sheriff's Office is in the process of filing detainer's with the Federal Government to extradite Shepard to Levy County.

The Suwannee River Fail & Livestock Association took a huge financial hit when Ron Shepard and Jeremy Pierce failed to deliver the proceeds of the Tri-County Fair cattle sale to Larry Lindsey, broker for the cattle sale. Fair President Loran Brookins promised and made good the payment to OUR children for all of their hard work in raising the livestock for the show.

Jeremy Pierce has been in custody in Illinois after turning himself in a day after warrants were issued in Levy County.


Lt. Scott Tummond
Criminal Investigations Division
Levy County Sheriff's Office
(352) 486-5111