On Thursday May 16, 2013 at 5:49 pm a white male entered the Manatee Jiffy Convenience store located at 8051 NW 115 Street (aka CR 320) and approached the store clerk as if he was purchasing a bottle of 5 Hour Energy. He handed the clerk single dollar bills to pay for the transaction. When the drawer opened, he brandished a handgun and demanded all the money in the till. The suspect fled into Dixie County with Deputies in pursuit but was able to evade capture. He was last seen in the area of BoBo's Trailer Park in Dixie County. The suspect was driving a maroon or burgundy Honda Civic and the Deputies were able to read some of the tag attached to this vehicle. That partial tag number is A17-U. Anyone with information about this person is asked to contact the Levy County Sheriff's Office at 352-486-5111 for Investigator Mike Wilkinson or you can remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-877-349-8477.
Lt. Scott Tummond
Criminal Investigations Division
Levy County Sheriff's Office
(352) 486-5111
"Know Something We Don't" Call Crime Stoppers 1-877-349-8477 remain anonymous.