On January 31, 2014 the Levy County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division and Criminal Investigations Division located 4 individuals producing methamphetamine at a home located at 3491 NW 57
Court Chiefland, Fl. Arrested are John Solomon Hall W/M 12-19-70, Nicole Smart W/F
1-31-82, Calah Crandall W/F 6-31-89 and Paula Jerram W/F10-9-59. All are facing
multiple charges including manufacturing and possession of methamphetamine with
the intent to sell.
Units responded to this location
while conducting follow up investigations into recently reported burglaries in
the area. Investigators developed a lead that directed them to this location. It
was suspected that the burglar used this home to sell or stash recently stolen
property. While conducting their investigation, they discovered the occupants
were involved in illegally manufacturing meth in the home and in shed on the
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