May 31, 2018
Levy County School Board and LCSO
deputies are currently investigating a reported school threat at the Williston
Middle High School. Because this is an
active investigation, details cannot be released at this time. However, school and LCSO personnel are NOT aware of any evidence that
indicates a credible threat to anyone on the final day of classes on June 1,
2018. LCSO will have a presence at WMHS
tomorrow and will continue to work the case to conclusion.
Students and citizens are
encouraged to report any information that may be related to this or other
potential school threats. Tips can be
reported anonymously to CrimeStoppers at 1-877-349-8477. These tips can result in a financial reward
that is also paid anonymously. Callers
can also report tips directly to LCSO at 352-486-5111.

"Know Something We
Don't" Call Crime Stoppers 1-877-349-8477
remain anonymous.