Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Morriston Man Arrested for Lewd Conduct


March 21, 2023

On February 10, 2023 Detective Rob Bowers opened an investigation into complaints of lewd conduct by Joseph M. Davis (4/3/78) of Morriston. The complainant alleged Davis acted inappropriately by touching a 12 year old female, exposed his genitals to her and offering the child $3,000 to have sex with him. The investigation and victim testimony gathered with the assisted by Levy County Sheriff’s Office Victim Advocates, developed probable cause for his arrest. Detective Bowers interviewed the subject and a warrant was obtained. A bond of $200,000.00 was assigned to the warrant.

Detective Bowers along with the U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force located Davis in Marion County on 3/16/23 and he was taken into custody and booked into the Marion County Jail. Davis will be transferred to the Levy County Detention Center where he will be held on a $200,000.00 bond.