Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Levy County Sheriffs Office Awards

The Levy County Sheriffs Office presented its annual Officer of the Year awards December 16, 2009 at its Christmas Luncheon. Sheriff Smith states this is always a hard time of year for him, because he has such a large pool of professional talent that its hard to focus on the highlights of just one employee. But all three of these people step up to the plate on a day in and day out basis and deserve to be recognized.

Law Enforcement Deputy of the year Cpl. Mike Narayan serves as an investigator in our Cid unit. He is always a go to officer and willing to except any assignment that comes his way. Mike constantly clears a lot of major cases while he maintains a large case load.

Correctional Deputy of the Year is Lisa Mathis. Lisa serves as a correctional officer, nurse and director of our Medical program. Lisa and her staff continue to excel in their work despite an ever shrinking budget and does this without ever reducing the quality of care to our inmates.

Administrative Employee of Year Mike West. Mike serves as our IT and 911 director. In the last 6 months he and his team have made "Mission Impossible into Mission Possible". Mike and his staff have supervised the conversion of our old 911 system to another more cost effective user friendly system. Additionally his team have installed new servers to create the first effective redundant information system in our office. They have also installed 28 new in car networked laptops in our patrol fleet replacing the antiquated units we currently had. All this at no cost to the citizens of Levy County.
