The Levy County Sheriff’s Office
has become aware that a small group of organizers in Williston have scheduled a
“Labor Day HIP- HOP Extravaganza” to take place at the So-So Clean Car Wash on
Saturday August 31. The Levy County Board of County Commissioners
had an emergency meeting earlier today to address this unsanctioned event. An Emergency
Injunction has been granted to halt this event that is expected to draw crowds
from around the state. The LCSO is in the process of serving this injunction on
the organizers and the artists who were expected to perform at this event. Sheriff’s
Deputies will be out to enforce this injunction and any person found in
violation is subject to arrest.
The LCSO is especially concerned
for PUBLIC SAFETY and the safety of travelers on this HOLIDAY
WEEKEND. An event of this expected size will create additional traffic safety
hazards to an already congested weekend. In addition the LCSO wants to avoid a
situation similar to that encountered at the Crab Festival in 2013.
The LCSO recognizes that this
event has been scheduled for people to come and have a good time. It appears
that the organizers have disregarded Levy County Ordinance Chapter 10 that
relates to “music or entertainment festivals”. Without proper planning on the organizers
part we cannot allow this event to take place and place our citizens in harms

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