Monday, April 6, 2009

Bronson Store Manager Arrested



Date:                April 6, 2009

Time:                3:45 PM


Bronson, Florida-On April 3, 2009 Investigator Mike Bell arrested Wister Reid Whitesides for grand theft.  BubbbaQue's restaurant owner noticed that money was missing from the cash register from March 22-28, 2009. 


The Levy County Sheriff's Office launched an investigation which revealed that Whitesides was voiding tickets and stole $ 301.85 in cash.  Whiteside was the store manager and confessed to the crime and stated that he used the money to buy beer, cigarettes, gas and drugs.




Wister Reid Whitesides

8910 SW 135 Place

Archer, Fl.

White Male




Captain Evan Sullivan
Levy County Sheriff's Office
Professional Standards Division
FBI-National Academy 183rd Session
Office: 352-486-5448
Cell:    352-577-4218
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